Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Degrees of Comparison

In English grammar the degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb that describes the relational value of one thing with something in another clause of a sentence. An adjective may simply describe a quality, (the positive); it may compare the quality with that of another of its kind (comparative degree); and it may compare the quality with many or all others (superlative degree).
In other languages it may describe a very large degree of a particular quality (in Semitic linguistics, called an elative).

1)      Positive Degree
As ( adjective/adverb) as is used to say that the two parts of a comparation are equal or the same in some way.
2)      Comparative Degree
The comparative compares “this/these” to “that/these”.
Form :
ü  Suffix – er           : for one syllable word
ü  More/Less          : for more than one syllable word
3)      Superlative Degree
The superlative compares one part of a whole group to all the rest of the group.
Form :
ü  Suffix – est                         : for one syllable word
ü  The most .. / The least .. : for more than one syllable word

a.       Jim is 20 years old. Tom is 20 years old.
Jim is as old as Tom.
b.      Jim is 20 years old. Anna is 15 years old.
Jim is older than Anna.
c.       This book is more expensive than that one.
d.      This building is the highest building in this town.
e.      This test is the most difficult test i’ve ever know

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